Next Year Annual Project

I’ve just thought about uniting my projects into a more global one and then I’ve created a map to give to my stories a unity: the life in a city, here, Flanders City.

About TwictLingua

Collectif de profs de LVE utilisant Twitter pour créer des interactions interlangues

Posted on 19 Feb 2015, in F'n'P. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Very amazing ! Isn’t there any school in your city ? Why not including your first project in there and all the linguistic/phonetic help for your students in that place ?… Your teaching sounds/looks great anyway; thanks a lot for sharing it. Good luck Mayor !…


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Collectif enseignants LVE


"L’éducation est l’arme la plus puissante qu’on puisse utiliser pour changer le monde." (Nelson Mandela)

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